WyzeCast™ Episode 13: Empowering Dreams: Affordable Education for All with special guest Lamar Callahan

Join us in an uplifting conversation with Lamar Callahan, a distinguished US Air Force Veteran, former Boy Scout and Troop Leader, and a seasoned licensed Massage Therapist with a remarkable 30-year career. Lamar’s journey, rooted in service and simplicity, has led him to become the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Africans Supporting Africans Corp.

In this episode of WyzeCast Season 2, Lamar shares his insights on the profound impact of his experiences as a Scout and Scout Leader. His appreciation for the beautiful lessons that come from helping others has driven him to establish Africans Supporting Africans, a venture dedicated to affordable education for all. Lamar considers this endeavor a way to honor God by being a Servant of the Lord and fulfilling the purpose God has set for him.

Tune in as we explore Lamar’s dedication to making education accessible to everyone, regardless of background or circumstance. Discover how his unique journey, shaped by military service, leadership in the Boy Scouts, and a lifelong commitment to healing through massage therapy, has fueled his passion for serving a greater purpose.

Watch on YouTube – Premieres November 29th, 10 AM ET

Listen on Spotify – Premieres November 21st, 1 PM ET

Melanie McSally
Welcome to another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive differences they are making in the world.

I am super excited for today’s guest. He is a US Air Force Veteran and a former Boy Scout and Troop Leader. He is a licensed professional Massage Therapist and has been for the last 30 years. His time as a Scout and Scout Leader made him appreciate the simplicity of the beautiful lessons that come from helping others. He is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Africans Supporting Africans Corp. In building Africans Supporting Africans, he endeavors to honor God by being a Servant of the Lord, doing God’s work, and being the person God wants him to be.

My name is Melanie McSally, your host for today’s episode, and without further adieu, I would like to give a warm welcome to Lamar Callahan.  Lamar is joining us from Florida. Lamar, Welcome.

Lamar Callahan

Thank you, Melanie. I am so glad to be on your show. It’s an honor for me.

Melanie McSally

Awesome. Well, we’re delighted to have you here. So, in the introduction, I mentioned you are the CEO and Founder of Africans Supporting Africans Corp. Can you tell us about how that name came to be, the meaning behind the name?

Lamar Callahan

Now, I know the name African Supporting Africans can put people off because of not understanding. But I just simply could not see saying: Humanity Serving Humanity. That, to me, was just a little bit too broad. So I came back home. We all came from the continent. That’s where I got the name African Supporting Africans. It’s not about African people. It’s not about black people. It’s about all of us. It’s about unity. It’s about humanity, so I hope you now understand the meaning and see the logo in a new light. It’s about humanity and coming together and going together into the future. Now, in the poem, it talks about the tear of slavery. It’s not meaning slavery in itself, but it means that all cultures have had some sort of pain in their past.

Melanie McSally

How beautiful. You mentioned the logo and a poem. I’d like to read your poem for our listeners. The following poem was written by Lamar Callahan, our guest today. It can be found on his website, along with the logo that goes with the poem. As I read this poem, we’ll put the URL below. We’ll also put it in the description. We will also bring up the logo so you can see it.   

The African Continent, Birthplace of Humanity.
The Ankh, Symbol for Life.
The Colors, Shades of Humanity.
The Dove, Human Spirit.
The Fingers, Humanity.
The Glow, Bringing a New Light, to Service.
The Hands, Supporting Humanity.
The Olive Branch, Peace.
The Red Rose, Love.
The Red Tear, Slavery.
The White Rose, Purity.

Lamar Callahan

Melanie McSally: It’s such a beautiful poem, Lamar. Can you tell our listeners what you’re hoping to convey with the poem and logo?

We all come from the continent, and we’re all human. And that makes up humanity. If we could just get past all the division, the hatred, the fear, the propaganda, all those things that divide us, they’re so small, and just focus on the big things: ourselves, humanity coming together, then the human spirit could soar. And that would bring a new light to service. With that, we’d actually have peace, love, in purity, in what we do to and for one another.

~Lamar Callahan

Melanie McSally

Awesome, the company name, your logo, the poem, and your explanations combined really help us understand the mission and the heart behind the mission. So let’s shift gears and talk about Tutors For You, and specifically, let’s speak to the students out there and the parents of students out there. What kind of classes can they expect? What would you like to tell prospective students out there?

Lamar Callahan

Okay, well, that’s a great question. Thank you. We have well over 100 classes. We have classes from accounting to yoga. We have classes from preschool to college prep and GED classes. We have classes ranging from computers, accounting, math, history, science, financial planning, special needs, mental health, music, singing, dancing, and AI.

We have 30 different languages. We have well over 100 classes. And so if there’s a class that you can think of, we just might have it. And I’m very happy that we do have these classes. But the backbone of our service is the tutors, and the tutors are experienced teachers. The teachers have been teaching for upwards of 30 years. We also have 15 doctors on our staff to help all the students from around the world.

Melanie McSally: And you offer these classes at an amazing price. If I remember correctly.

Lamar Callahan

Yes, all the classes are $5 an hour per session. So, if you can afford a cup of coffee, you can afford our service.

Melanie McSally: Yeah. And much more transformational and life-impactful than a cup of coffee.

Lamar Callahan: Yes.

Melanie McSally

Awesome. So, so what you’re doing is you’re making education accessible to various economic levels.

Lamar Callahan: Yes.

Melanie McSally

And a high-caliber education as well. As you mentioned earlier, you vet your teachers so the students can expect to get qualified, experienced, high-quality training through these courses. I don’t want to knock YouTube or any platform that offers videos for free. However, as the student, the onus is on us to vet the trainer when using a public platform, whereas, with your platform, you’re vetting the teachers for us. And you’re offering these courses at such an affordable price.

Lamar Callahan

I’m not trying to knock YouTube and the videos that they do, but you can’t beat having a live teacher and being able to have that one-on-one communication. That’s the word I’m thinking about, communication. And even though you’ll have other persons in the classroom with you online, you can still ask questions and have the teacher talk with you. And again, you’re only paying $5 an hour. So you’re looking at a lot of value without paying the overprice, the prices that the private schools are charging- $30 to $300 per session, we’re only charging $5.

Melanie McSally

Yeah, I’m not knocking YouTube either. I’ve done my fair share of training on YouTube as well as other platforms. I have training classes on YouTube and other platforms. I help content creators build and publish their courses on various platforms. So, I do not want to discourage anyone from taking advantage of any platform; they all have their pros, cons, and unique characteristics for being. I just want to emphasize that some of the unique advantages your site offers are courses from certified teachers at an affordable price. Now, how can students sign up for these classes?

Lamar Callahan

Well, thank you. The simple way to do it is to come to Tutors For You dot ORG. So once you come to our site, then go to online classes. All the classes are listed in alphabetical order. Then, once you find the class that you’re looking for, look for the day of the class and pick the hour of the class that you want. And then just click Register.

Melanie McSally

Awesome. Awesome. Super easy. So go to your website, find the online classes, and the date and time of day and time that works best for you.

Lamar Callahan: Yes, exactly. It is that simple.

Melanie McSally

Perfect. For those of you watching, you saw the link on the screen, and for everyone, we’ll put that link in the description. I’d like to switch gears again. So Tutors For You is actually a non-profit, a 501c3, which means I’m betting that you are in need of volunteers, donations, and so on and so forth. So, let’s start with the volunteers. What would you like to say to anybody who would like to help out with the mission and get involved by volunteering their time?

Lamar Callahan

Yeah, yes, please, please, please, please come on down. We need. We need volunteers. We need volunteers. We’re also looking for people to join the board and lend your help. The best way to reach us is Tutors For You dot ORG, or you can call us at 813-743-3273. Operators are standing by. I love doing that. Um, the operator is standing by.

Melanie McSally

So, what kind of things do you need? Like what kind of expertise do you need help with at this time?

Lamar Callahan: Well, I am looking for as far as the board or 

Melanie McSally

Just regular volunteering in general. I know you need grant writers. So if there are any grant writers out there, especially ones in the education space, you know, reach out to Lamar.

Lamar Callahan

Yes, I’m really open. We’re really in need of people of various talents. Because we’ve been around for a year. And so we’re still growing. And so I’m not going to list just a few, which people may say, Well, I’m not qualified for that. We are young, and so we’re looking for people of various talents. Because various talents are needed, you know, webmasters, grant writers, you know, people to just spread the word, and that’s, that would be a big help. Whether you volunteer or not, just share the word that Tutors For You dot ORG is available to your family or someone else’s family. That’s a huge boost for our service.

Melanie McSally

Well, just in case we have some listeners that are not used to or not familiar with what it takes to run a business, you know, we need accountants and tech people and writers and designers and people who can do graphics and people who can do administrative tasks. So there’s, you know, there’s literally something for everybody. No matter what your talents are, I’m sure that there’s a need.

Ok, so, once again, for those watching, you may have noticed we put the link directly to the volunteer page on the screen for your convenience. We will also put that URL in the description for everyone. Now, let’s shift again and talk about donations because I can imagine since you’re offering these classes at $5, you are probably in need of some financial assistance. Let’s, therefore, talk to the philanthropists out there who are looking for a worthy cause to contribute to. What would you like to say to anyone looking to support Tutors For You dot ORG with a monetary donation?

Lamar Callahan

I definitely say it’s an investment into the lives of families that need help in their education. And we serve both children and adults equally at $5 an hour. And so whether you’re looking to help the corporation in funding basic operations, or you’re interested in starting a scholarship for a family or families, you know, paying for tuition for people that can’t afford a cup of coffee. You know, there’s always a need for financing. Or, if you’re willing to do them both, you know, funds are needed to help other people. And at $5, clearly, we’re not in this in this to become millionaires. Actually, my goal for African Supporting Africans Corp, which is the parent company, is to be the size and quality of the American Red Cross.

Melanie McSally

Awesome. So, you mentioned so many different ways to donate in that short sentence. So let’s just talk about that for a minute. Because if you know, if somebody wants to donate to a specific demographic, it sounds like they can do that with you. If they want to donate to a specific family, if they want to pay it forward, can somebody sign up for a class and do something like, I’m paying for my seat and I want to pay for the seat of somebody else as well?

Lamar Callahan

Yes. Yes, there is a way for persons to pay for other people. It’s just simply a matter of letting me know. When you send in a money order, check, what have you. You can call us @ 1-813-743-3273. Let me know that the money is for X person. So when we go ahead and set up the classes, we’ll set it up for that person. And, you know, we’ll know it’s for that particular person and that it’s already paid for. You know, once we set up the classes, if we set up a basic scholarship for a group of people, then set aside for people to tap into that funding pot for those groups of people. So there’s, there’s, there’s so many different ways to fund this for people. But we also understand that you know, we need funds for the general operations of the business.

Melanie McSally: Yep. So donate for general operations. Donate for a specific purpose, like if you have an initiative going off. Or donate for specific educational reasons, like if somebody has some cause close to their heart or some demographic close to their heart. How do people donate?

Lamar Callahan: Oh, that’s really simple. It’s the red button.

Melanie McSally: Just push the red button.

Lamar Callahan

But yes, it’s right on top of the website. It’s right on the site. So when you go to Tutors For You dot ORG and then just push the red button that says donate, and it’ll take you to a different page on PayPal. From there, you put in the amount that you want to donate and the frequency you want to donate. And that’s easily done. And because we are a 501c nonprofit, it’s tax-deductible. So, if you have a car, truck, boat, yacht. You know, I’m in Florida. You know, we accept all donations. And the thank you is done upfront.

Melanie McSally: Nice, nice. So people can donate other things than money as well, is that what I’m hearing?

Lamar Callahan: Oh, yes, definitely. Yes, we accept everything.

Melanie McSally: Awesome. So you know if Bill Gates wants to donate computers?

Lamar Callahan: Yes. Operator standing by. We clearly need computers right now. We definitely need a computer right now.

Melanie McSally: Not just one. You need a whole lot of them.

Lamar Callahan: Yes, yes, we do. You know, being totally honest, we need 10 of them at this very moment. Awesome.

Melanie McSally

Well, folks, you heard him. Lamar is in need of 10 computers, so if you have an inventory of computers you’d like to donate, please do reach out. Once again, for those of you watching, we’ve had the direct link on the screen for your convenience. We’ll also put that link in the description for everyone.

Education is a basic need that everyone should have access to. We now have the technology to reach people all over the world and reduce the expenses of doing so. However, that does not mean Tutors For You is without expenses. Whether you’re a student looking for an affordable education, you’re looking to support students, you’re looking to contribute by donating your time, or you have the means to help financially, I urge you to check out Tutors For You dot ORG and reach out to Lamar.

Lamar, it has been such a pleasure having you on our show. Do you have any final thoughts you’d like to leave our listeners?

Lamar Callahan

Um, I want to say thank you, you know, it’s Halloween. So, you know, it’s a great day to send a treat to us. But I want to say thank you, thank you to everybody that’s watching the show. Thank you to you, Melanie. And I clearly want to say thank you to all. Thank you to all of you who watch this show, that pass the show on. To all those that think of others, because that’s what we’re doing here at Tutors For You dot ORG, we’re thinking of other people. We are working very hard to help families that are in need, and that’s where our motivation is from, is trying to help other people, other families, and with the more that we can help other people, then we know that we’ll get a blessing down the road. And that’s our motivation.

Melanie McSally: So beautifully said, so we are recording this episode on Halloween. It will actually drop the week of Thanksgiving. So what a beautiful final message. I don’t normally talk about myself in these interviews, but I have always had this big mission to build a better tomorrow. I just think the world needs a lot more love and gratitude. When I started this channel, it was meant for entrepreneurs to be able to elevate them, showcase them, and get them out into the world so they could share their messages. So, I had the intention. When I was interviewing for guests to come on, I wasn’t specifically looking for it, but I had the intention in my mind that I only wanted people to come on who had the same type of mission to build a better tomorrow, and it has just worked out.  Everybody who signs up, every guest I’ve had, is helping make tomorrow better. You’re no exception to that rule. And so I’m just so blessed to have you. So let me thank you in return for being here. And for serving the world to help make it brighter for tomorrow to help bring education to populations that may not otherwise be able to afford it. It might not be accessible to them. Maybe in the future, we’ll even be able to bring technology and computers to parts of the world that don’t currently have it. And so thank you for all that you’re doing to help build a better tomorrow.

Lamar Callahan: Thank you. It’s my calling.

Melanie McSally

Absolutely, and a beautiful one at that. Lamar, it has been my honor as well as a pleasure having you here today. Thank you.

I want to thank our listeners for tuning in. If you like what you’ve heard here today, please do like, share, and comment. We are trying to get WyzeTribe™ to be a hot new release. So if you feel inspired, if you feel moved, if you feel called, if we earned it, please do like, share, and comment. It is free for you to do so and really helps the podcast grow. And we really do love your engagement.

This was another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive difference they’re making in the world.

If you want to learn more about WyzeCast™, you can visit our wyzecast.com. We dropped ten episodes every month on the 21st, so you can binge-watch or spread them out over the month. Whatever suits your mood and lifestyle.

Once again, my name is Melanie. It has been my pleasure being your host today. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching, thank you for your engagement, and I invite you to come back and join me once again for our next episode of WyzeCast™.