In this episode featuring Dr. Wendy Labat, an award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author, acclaimed TV show host & producer, international speaker, business strategist, and financial healer, you can expect to learn valuable insights on achieving financial success and independence. Dr. Wendy Labat shares her expertise on a powerful and intriguing topic: “Buy what you need/want without spending your own money.”

During the episode, you’ll discover:

1. Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom: Dr. Wendy Labat discusses methods and approaches that can help you achieve financial freedom and independence. She shares her personal journey and success stories, offering insights on how you can attain your financial goals.

2. Creative Financing Techniques: You can expect to learn about innovative ways to purchase the things you desire without depleting your own finances.

3. Real-World Examples: The episode features real-life examples and case studies, illustrating how individuals have successfully implemented the strategies discussed by Dr. Wendy Labat to improve their financial situations.

4. Practical Tips and Takeaways: The podcast episode offers practical tips, advice, and actionable steps you can implement in your life to become more financially empowered and achieve your goals.

Dr. Wendy Labat’s diverse background and experience make this episode a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their financial well-being and gain a deeper understanding of how to make strategic financial decisions. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or someone looking to improve your financial situation, this episode promises to provide valuable insights and guidance.

Watch on YouTube – Premieres November 13th, 7 AM ET

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Melanie McSally
Welcome to another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive differences they are making in the world.

Melanie McSally 1:01
I am super excited for today’s guest. She is called the financial healer. She’s the creator of the financial cures system, a results-based program for financial mastery. She’s the best-selling new-release author of the Financial Cures book series. She is the producer and host of the award-winning global streaming production of Financial Careers with Dr. Wendy Labat, the TV show. She’s an award-winning entrepreneur, business strategist, and international speaker. She empowers 1000s of entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and individuals to ease the pain of inflation and overcome anorexic income, obese debt, spending addictions, mindset and knowledge deficiencies, as well as other financial ills. To take control of their finances. They come financially free, create generational wealth, and live the life they desire. But what I am most excited about is that I have watched this woman get some really cool stuff and experiences for free. So I can’t wait to have her share how she does it with you.

My name is Melanie McSally, your host for today’s episode. Without further adieu, I would like to welcome the beautiful, talented, and wise Dr. Wendy Labat. Dr. Wendy comes to us from Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Wendy Labat
Hi, Melanie, thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be here today to discuss the three ways to buy what you want and need without spinning your money. You know, things are pretty tough nowadays with inflation. I want to help people ease the pain of inflation. So, I’m excited about that and sharing, you know, some of the tips that I have.

Melanie McSally
Yes, I am excited for that. And I know our listeners will enjoy learning your tips as well. So tell me, why are you known as the financial healer?

Dr. Wendy Labat
Let me tell you a little bit about my backstory. I started my entrepreneurial journey, I guess, almost four decades ago. I can’t believe I’m saying for decades, but there was, you know, I didn’t have any business experience and very limited financial resources. This was a time when there was no internet or social media. And the only thing you could do with a cell phone was make an expensive phone call. So I ended up, you know, servicing major corporations and government agencies. I had an office equipment company. And that meant I had to have brick-and-mortar employees, carry inventory, and all the overhead that goes with it. And you know that overhead kicked in and had to be paid every month, whether the money was flowing or not. And being a rookie entrepreneur, at first, the money wasn’t flowing. But eventually, you know, I got the hang of things. I learned about business from the school of hard knocks, you know, I got my Ph.D. from the school of hard knocks, and that was okay because I’ve learned things the hard way. But I did eventually get a mentor that guided me along the way. In 2014, when the government mandated that everybody had health insurance, I expanded my business to include insurance and financial services. So I ended up buying all the products and services I was selling to my clients because people asked me, what do you have? Where’s your money? I could honestly say what I had and where my money was.

In 2017, I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. So I chose an aggressive form of treatment to kick cancer in the butt. So that meant chemotherapy every three weeks for a year, five surgeries, CAT scans, PET scans, prescriptions, and all kinds of tests, continually going to the hospital and doctors. But anyway, the bills amounted to almost a million and a half dollars. Thank God, I practice what I preach because my health insurance paid for all of that. And all the supplemental coverages I bought that I never thought I’d have to use ended up paying me multiple, six-figure tax-free financial shots in the arm, which allowed me to focus on my recovery without worrying about money.

When I finally became cancer-free, I was like, Lord, thank you, I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m wealthy, I’m in my comfort zone, I am good. And he said, No, I took you through this journey and brought you out better on the other side because you’re going to go on a crusade to empower other people not to let an illness or injury ruin them financially. You’re going to teach people how to take control of their finances, become financially free, build generational wealth, and live the life they desire. So that’s why I’m here. I’m on my crusade. And it’s been good, and that’s how I became the financial healer. And my program is the financial cure system. And so far, so good. I’ve empowered thousands of people, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and individuals to be able to, you know, take control of their finances and come out better than what they were.

Melanie McSally
Wow, what an amazing and inspirational story of triumph, Dr. Wendy. I love that you practice what you preach. With that in mind, what’s the first step people need to take to start buying what they need without spending their money?

Dr. Wendy Labat
Well, the first step, I would say, is unlocking that millionaire mindset. And in order to do that, you have to, you know, become disciplined, which means that you choose what you want more over what you want now. And when you think that way, as you know, most millionaires, you know, they’re kind of frugal people. They don’t go out to spinning, you know, willy-nilly. And when they get things, they’re usually getting things at somebody else’s expense. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. Somebody else is paying, or some other source is paying the price. And that’s what I’m talking about with this program. You position yourself first by thinking right, and then you have other tools to be able to work with.

Melanie McSally
Got it. So, have a millionaire mindset. Basically, thinking more about long-term payoffs rather than instant gratification. Awesome. So what tools are necessary? And how do you use them?

Dr. Wendy Labat
Okay, those tools are rewards points, loyalty programs, you know, with debit cards, credit cards, store rewards programs. Whatever you do on a daily basis, you want to be involved in their loyalty program or their rewards program because they all have credit cards, even debit cards. If you’re paying your bills every month, you want to use a card, whether it’s a debit or credit, that gives you rewards that reward you for using their financial institution. But be careful with the credit cards. So that’s where the discipline comes in. You have to be disciplined if you’re going to pay your bills on a credit card, which I do every month. The ones that I can, I pay that off before the bill comes in, so I’m not paying interest on it. I’m not accumulating the debt. I’m basically accumulating the rewards and the points, and that’s what you want to do. So you have to look at everything you do. I don’t care what store you go to or what you order online. Everybody has a rewards or loyalty program. So take advantage of that because it pays off. If you don’t, you’re leaving money on the table.

Melanie McSally
Cool. So use credit cards as a strategy, rather than an extension of your available income, so that you can get the points and use them at a future date. What great advice. What are some examples of how this has worked for you?

Dr. Wendy Labat
I am a person who practices what she preaches. So, in my first or latest project, we are remodeling my husband’s mancave downstairs and redoing his whole living area- the kitchen and the bathroom. So, I was able to get the vanity for the bathroom, the cabinets for the kitchen, and a new dishwasher, which I put in my kitchen and I gave him my dishwasher, but still, it was using my points and things, and we got all new hardwood flooring. Just paint alone, I couldn’t believe the paint. Normally, it’s $199 for a five-gallon jug, which we got for $50. But like I said, we didn’t have to pay for it with our money. We used the points that we accumulated from our credit cards. So you know, when you look at that, we saved thousands of dollars just on the materials for this project. So those are the kinds of things that I’m talking about.

We went out to California, I guess a couple of years ago, flew first-class from Atlanta to California, which was nice, you know, it wasn’t a first-class seat, it was a first-class suite, where you have your own little cubicle and lay back. They serve you food on real plates, not paper plates, or just a little snack kind of thing. And you know, when you fly for three or four hours, that kind of environment is pretty good. But it didn’t cost us anything other than the processing fee, which I think was about $30 per ticket. Those tickets would have cost us, I think, maybe about $2,500 each round trip. But because we used our loyalty points, our Sky Miles, it didn’t cost us anything but the processing fee.

When we got to our destination. We are big Marriott fans; we are at the top level of the chairman with our timeshare, and we are at the titanium level with the hotel. So, when we check in, the lower end is the reservation, and we get upgraded to a suite. And you know, it’s pretty nice, I have to say. It doesn’t cost us anything; we’re not using our money. So that’s the key. And the way things are with inflation. People are struggling- milk, eggs, and groceries, in general, are sky-high. But if you can use points or get coupons where you’re getting freebies, I mean, it takes some of that pain. It eases some of that pain of inflation. So, that’s what I do. And that’s how we live; that’s how we roll. So you can live a VIP life, but you don’t have to spend your own money doing it.

Melanie McSally
Yeah, I mean, I’ve seen pictures of you on social media in a Rolls-Royce, flying in luxury, with designer handbags. I mean, I’ve seen other people travel for free, but what I love about you is that you teach us how to accomplish projects and buy necessities as well as luxuries with other people’s money. That’s awesome. Or rather, without spending your own, I should say. Do you have any final thoughts for our listeners?

Dr. Wendy Labat
Okay, my final thought is a quote that I coined myself. It’s

“When you think right, speak right, and do right, things will flow right for you to optimize your financial health. When I say things will flow right, I mean, not just money, but your opportunities, your relationships, and just their favor, you know, from God where things just happened to work out for you because you’re thinking right, speaking right, and doing right.”

Dr. Wendy Labat

Melanie McSally
I love that quote. We get what we think most about, so why not think abundantly and allow things to flow to us instead of creating this current that we have to work against? Thank you, Dr. Wendy. I often think I want to live Dr. Wendy’s life. How can we learn more from you? How can our listeners get started living like Dr. Wendy?

Dr. Wendy Labat
The first step is to take advantage of my spinning challenge. This way, you can find money that you didn’t even know you had. You can redirect money that you’re spending on, such as eating out and doing things that you don’t have to do, and you can use that to pay off debt, reduce expenses, and build up your cash reserves. I have one client- I give all my clients a 30-day spending challenge- this client said Dr. Wendy, I took that spending challenge, and I spent $600 last month eating out. He’s a businessman, and so I said okay, so you took your clients out? He said, No, it is just me and my wife, and sometimes we take the grandkids. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it. But it was an aha moment for him to say, dang, $600. I could have done a few things like pay a utility bill or a couple of utility bills or build my cash reserves. You know, there are a number of things that that money could have been redirected to have better use of it. So those kinds of things. And if you do it for seven days, you can kind of get the hang of it. You may want to stick with it because you will see that you’re spending money in areas that you really don’t realize until you start calculating up and that money can be redirected for better use.

I tell you this one more example of a client. I was on her podcast. She took the spending challenge, and after 30 days, she called me up she said, Dr. Wendy, I did that spending challenge, and my husband and I spent $3,000 eating out last month. I’m like $3,000. Good lord, you can pay for a house note, a car note, utilities, you can do a few things. Some people don’t even make $3,000 a month, so it was an eye-opener for them. Not that they couldn’t afford to. But even if you can afford to, when you start seeing you’re spending that kind of money eating out and the only thing you have to show for it is a few extra pounds, you want to redirect, transform, unlock through that millionaire mindset. So those are some of the things that I do in the Financial Cures. Click here to take advantage of my seven-day Spending Challenge. It tells you how to do it, and you do it at your own leisure, but the longer you do it, the more money you realize you’re spending in areas that may not be where you need to be spending it. So thank you, Melanie, for having me. And I appreciate it. And I hope your listeners got something out of this. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.

Melanie McSally
Love it. Awareness is the first step. Well, folks, if you want to know how to spend other people’s money, I mean, if you want to buy things without spending your own money. If you want to live like Dr. Wendy, I suggest you take advantage of her seven-day spending challenge; click here and sign up today. Once again, thank you, Dr. Wendy. It has been such a pleasure having you here today, listening to your wisdom, and experiencing your passion for helping people live the VIP lifestyle without spending their own money. That is just the cherry on top.

I want to thank our listeners for tuning in. If you like what you’ve heard here today, please do like, share, and comment. We are trying to get WyzeTribe™ to be a hot new release. So if you feel inspired, if you feel moved, if you feel called, if we earned it, please do like, share, and comment. It is free for you to do so and really helps the podcast grow. And we really do love your engagement.

This was another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive difference they’re making in the world.

If you want to learn more about WyzeCast™, you can visit our We dropped ten episodes every month on the 21st, so you can binge-watch or spread them out over the month. Whatever suits your mood and lifestyle.

Once again, my name is Melanie. It has been my pleasure being your host today. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching, thank you for your engagement, and I invite you to come back and join me once again for our next episode of WyzeCast™.