In a time when an increasing number of individuals are becoming curious about the metaphysical realms and experiencing a deep calling to rediscover and reconnect with their spiritual essence, I am thrilled to introduce today’s guest, Sofia Nunes, and her profound Alignment Messages.

Sofia is an Energy Intuitive and Energy Translator, a guiding light on the path to greater self-awareness and spiritual connection. Her unwavering passion and mission revolve around serving as a vital bridge between the physical and energetic worlds, allowing us to tap into the invaluable insights and guidance of The Teams—a collective of High Energy Beings.

Sofia’s journey has been one of self-discovery and divine exploration, dedicating herself to expanding her inherent abilities and gifts. Her commitment to personal growth and transformation has enabled her to uncover more of her true essence and divinity, equipping her with the ability to perceive and interpret the subtle energies that constantly surround us.

Join us in this enlightening podcast episode as we delve into the depths of intuition, the wisdom of your spiritual guides, and the magic of finding your purpose to run a heart-centered business. Sofia Nunes will lead us on a profound journey to help you find your true purpose and align with the wisdom of your soul. Get ready to unlock the door to the metaphysical world and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual path with Sofia’s Alignment Messages.

Watch on YouTube – Re-premiere’s on November 5th, 2023

Listen on Spotify

Melanie McSally
Welcome to another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive differences they are making in the world.

In a time when more and more people are curious about metaphysical worlds and are feeling called to rediscover and reconnect, I am thrilled to dive into the gifts and wisdom of our first guest. She is an energy-intuitive and energetic translator. Her passion and mission are to serve as a bridge between the physical and the energetic world, bringing to us the invaluable insights and guidance of the teams, which are a collective of high-energy beings. She has dedicated herself to expanding her abilities and gifts, enabling her to discover more of her true essence and divinity while preparing her to constantly perceive and interpret the subtle energies surrounding us. One of Sofia’s unique gifts lies in the capacity to channel and translate such energies into words, codes, and guidance for her clients, allowing them to live from a place of alignment with their true selves and step into their highest tap. Sofia is here with us today to talk about living a life aligned with her destiny and filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

My name is Melanie McSally, your host for today’s episode, and without further adieu, I would like to welcome my light-filled, heart-centered, and gifted friend, Sofia Nunes.

Sofia Nunes
Thank you, Melanie. Thank you for those kind words and for the introduction. And thank you for your heart. Your light shines so brightly in all the amazing endeavors that you do. Thank you for creating such a beautiful space where we all feel safe sharing our unique lights and gifts. I would also like to thank listeners for your curiosity and willingness to discover and connect with more of who you are.

Melanie McSally
It’s such a delight to have you here with us today. Sofia, have you always been a bridge between worlds, channeling and translating the highest energies you feel and receive?

Sofia Nunes
Great question. And the answer is yes and no. The truth is that ever since I can remember, I’ve heard messages from the Divine Messengers whom I have come to call The Teams. That was just normal to me. In time, I realized I was the only one hearing such messages and thoughts. As a result, people found me weird, and I got scolded a lot.

No, because around 10, I did my best to shut down such gifts and just be normal. As I heard all my life. I kept hearing The Teams, though. I just chose to ignore them and not pay attention to them. And, of course, this came primarily at my own expense and detriment. I could have avoided so much pain and made my life much easier had I just listened as it was; I reached age 41, empty of divinity and ready to quit my life. However, it was in this darkness that a small sparkle of light started to come through, and without realizing it, I slowly started to make space to allow, trust, and honor my gifts. I returned to the innocence that I always had and became the spiritual rebel I am.

So the other part is the Yes. Today, I joyfully and unapologetically stand in service as a bridge, an energetic translator. And I am blessed to feel and experience the most magnificent and magical love daily. Because I choose. And I choose in every moment to listen to The Teams. That is why I step out of hiding in the darkness today, proudly own my gifts, and share The Teams and their alignment codes and messages with you.

Melanie McSally
Thank you, Sofia. You’re so amazing. How many of you listeners out there can relate to the need to fit in and feel normal? I’m so glad you broke free of that because I know I have been blessed by your gift on numerous occasions, and this world is a better place for having you in it, and you’re sharing those gifts with the world. One of the times I remember most vividly of you sharing your gift with me was when I felt particularly beat up as a business owner. A client kept reaching out to me and saying some not-so-nice things. I was beating myself up about it because before we started that person’s project, my intuition told me not to take on the project, but I did it anyway. I did it anyway because I felt it was a good opportunity to bring closure with this client. I was obviously regretting that I didn’t listen to my intuition. Just as I was hanging my head and feeling low, you texted me. It was the most beautiful and insightful message. It was like an all-knowing message, as if you knew exactly what was going on in my life. Let me set the stage for the listeners. We have not seen or talked to each other in days, maybe even weeks. In fact, we were in different time zones that left us maybe with a seven-hour difference, so literally, we were in night and day, worlds apart from each other. I sent you this quick reply; you don’t know how much that meant to me. It was so timely. And you responded back that your team had told you to reach out to me, and I just thought that was so incredible because, you know, I have my own intuition. So, my own team guides me, but to have somebody else reach out to me with messages from their team just made the world feel smaller and made me feel more connected to you and the world in general. Do you know what an incredible gift, how amazing that was?

I truly believe this is your gift to the world to show people, to allow people to feel that they’re not alone.

Sofia Nunes
Yes, that is my daily moment-to-moment intention so that people can remember that we’re not alone.

Melanie McSally
So you mentioned you choose daily. Is that all it takes to be in alignment with your soul? I mean, aren’t energetic abilities and gifts only for some people?

Sofia Nunes
I used to think that, too, because I was sold that only chosen ones have gifts, even though deep inside, I’ve always known.

We are all chosen ones and special. I believed only some special people have gifts and abilities. However, what The Team showed me when I grappled with that myself was a firsthand experience that we are all chosen. We are all special. We are all made up of the same cloth, which means that there are unexplored gifts, abilities, and capacities in every one of us. When you listen to them, and it takes something to listen, because we were told not to listen as kids.

Sofia Nunes

Sofia Nunes
Now, such gifts, abilities, and capacities present themselves differently in all of us because we are all to weave different and unique tapestries that are in alignment with our own souls.

Melanie McSally
Wow, how powerful. We are all unique. Everyone has gifts. This is what makes life so beautiful and interesting. You heard it right here, folks: you have gifts; even if you haven’t identified them, you have them. You are special, even if people are looking to convince you otherwise, even if your own mind is looking to convince you; you were chosen to be on this planet, at this time, living this life, for a reason. So Sofia, is there a way all of our listeners can experience that alignment that you have with your soul? Can they experience that same?

Sofia Nunes
Yes. In fact, The Team gave me an alignment code called “Align With Your Soul” and brief channeled guidance to share. Click here to download the alignment code (use password: wyzecastsofia).

Dear one, this code is designed to activate in you a new level of Alignment with Your Soul — Wherever you find yourself on your journey.
We invite you to sit with this code, allowing its activation in you. If you feel resonance with this code, and it is your first time engaging with an energy code, we would like to offer some ways you can use this code in order to capture and embody it in you:

  • Place your non-dominant hand over the code with the clear intention to be open to receiving its activation.
  • Print the Code and use it under your pillow while sleeping, or meditate with it, or have the print in front of you when you work.
  • Have it on your phone, your computers, your technological devices, in a way that each time you go to them you will see the code.
    The most important guidance We can give you when working with any energy code is follow your guidance. There are no wrong or right ways; work with it how you feel called at the time.
    We wish for you a new level of alignment with your beautiful Soul. Just as We are, your Soul is always with you, excited to connected with you, bringing you the Joy, Abundance, and Truth you desire.

You Are Loved. You are Love. All is Good.

Melanie McSally
That’s so beautiful. Sofia, thank you for this amazing showcase of your gift. For those of you who are only listening to this podcast and are not actually watching the video, Sofia presented us with a channeled energy code in the form of a visual picture. Click here to download the alignment code (use password: wyzecastsofia).

Sofia, it has been such a pleasure listening to your gift and watching you shine your light onto the world. Would you like to leave our audience with any last messages?

Sofia Nunes
Yes, we are never alone. If we listen- let me say that again- we are never alone. I was reminded of this by an amazing energy intuitive, Lee Harris, who channels and works with energy beings he calls The Z’s. So, if you want my help listening, I’m here for you.

Melanie McSally
What a beautiful final message. Well, there you have it, folks, you are never alone. If you’d like Sofia’s help listening or interpreting the message from your spiritual teams, from your ancestors, or from your highest self, I highly suggest that you reach out. As I mentioned, Sofia has blessed us with channeled messages from her team. You can access those by clicking here and downloading (use password: wyzecastsofia).

Sofia is an amazing soul that comes to us from Portugal. I always like to mention the locations because I travel all over the world. So it’s cool to know where people are coming from and where they’re joining us from. Sofia, thank you for being my very first guest on WyzeCast™. Thank you for accepting the call to share your light with your world. It has truly been my honor to spend this time with you today. If you feel ready to rediscover and reconnect with more of your gifts, take Sofia up on her offer and download Align With Your Soul code and messages from The Team (use password: wyzecastsofia).

I want to thank our listeners for tuning in. If you like what you’ve heard here today, please do like, share, and comment. We are trying to get WyzeTribe™ to be a hot new release. So if you feel inspired, if you feel moved, if you feel called, if we earned it, please do like, share, and comment. It is free for you to do so and really helps the podcast grow. And we really do love your engagement.

This was another episode of WyzeCast™, the show that elevates the voices, shines the light, showcases the gifts of our heart-centered guests, and amplifies the positive difference they’re making in the world.

If you want to learn more about WyzeCast™, you can visit our We dropped ten episodes every month on the 21st, so you can binge-watch or spread them out over the month. Whatever suits your mood and lifestyle.

Once again, my name is Melanie. It has been my pleasure being your host today. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching, thank you for your engagement, and I invite you to come back and join me once again for our next episode of WyzeCast™.